This is a long overdue update for my VERY patient readers. When you are rewriting, reediting, revising, and reediting 650,000 words, well, it takes a while. But the first trilogy of the Books of the Kindling has new titles and got a bit of a rewrite and edit and is ready for relaunch. The second trilogy, continuing the story, has been edited and revised and is out for additional edits (bless my brilliant editor Noah Chinn’s heart! The covers for both trilogies are done. (Don’t worry, the ones for the first trilogy will mostly be familiar, even though the titles have changed.)

And I just finished writing a prequel to the series. It is a novella, about 40,000 words. I’ll be offering it (in eBook) free to the loyal readers on my newsletter mailing list to honor your willingness to stick with me! (It will be available in trade paperback too, but at a low price just to cover the cost of printing.) I REALLY loved writing it and I think everyone who read the original trilogy will enjoy it!
For those who aren’t on my newsletter mailing list, don’t worry! I will be giving everyone a heads up and a way to sign up when everything is ready for relaunch!
Thanks for hanging in there with me! I promise, it will be worth it!